Thursday, December 4, 2008

And What to my Wandering Eyes Should Appear...

I posted a while ago how awful of a napper Lily was.  I take back every word.  She worked out the kinks in her sleeping regimen, and we're both much happier these days.  Yesterday we went to a baby shower where Lily got to see her future husband. (He currently resides in Houston, she hasn't seen him since August!)  So, she missed her morning nap, but it was well worth visiting with friends.  We left the shower at 1:00 and she was out before I could put the car in drive.  At 3:00 I wondered if she was still breathing so I went to check, and this is what I saw.  Isn't that little bum just to die for?!  AND, she napped until about 3:30!  OH BLESSED DAY!


Todd and Jenn said...

She looks so cute. Love the bumb in the air. I'm so happy she's taking naps for you. Carson doesn't take naps anymore and I miss them.

Ashlee & Christian said...

That is too cute! So that is hilarious because all week long carter has been sleeping like that, it cracks me up. Or he will sleep in half like he was sitting up and then just collapsed forward and a bit to the side. Oh man I just want to give that little girl a hug and a kiss. I wish we were close so these two could play. They would have so much fun. I can't believe she keeps her binkie in while she sleeps!

Katie Corbridge said...

I'm so glad we found each other in the blog world!

I just have to say you have the cutest little baby in the entire world... girl baby I mean:)! Can we please hook Landon and her up, so they marry and make children as cute as Lily! I think it's her sweetie pie smile that melts me!

I'm glad we can stay in touch now and be blogging buddies!

Vernos said...

Lucky! When Ava finally went to one nap they were maybe 2 hours for a while, now I'm lucky if it's 45 min! At least our girls sleep through the night, right?