Friday, July 30, 2010

pioneers settled in wyoming too? no way!

Over the 24th we headed to Wyoming for a little time out, and hung out at the festivities “in town” watching the local band Quiksand and touring the museums.

oh that face.

Big girl trying to figure out the more complicated things in life.

Buz had training in Phoenix - yep, Phoenix in July, there’s nothing better! - so off he went and we stayed to enjoy the rest of our time.

My aunt and uncle now have a place in the same area, so we went to feed their horses Quincy and Clancy one night. This is Quincy.

We hiked to Intermittent Springs, which isn’t so intermittent at this time of year. Of course Lily just threw rocks into the water!

1 comment:

Katie Corbridge said...

LOVE Lilly's cowboy hat!!! Doesn't get cuter than that! She's so stylin'! Love Zoe's "complicated thinking" face! So cute and too funny!