Tuesday, August 31, 2010

bear lake

we spent last weekend up at the buchi's cabin in bear lake (thanks craig!). when i say we spent the weekend, i mean we drove up friday afternoon and drove back saturday afternoon. i'll admit i was a little stressed considering we ran out of clothes for lily due to countless "accidents." but it was still nice to get out and do something as our little fam.
saturday morning buz's dad, sister, and brother-in-law did a relay at the bear lake tri. this is how zoe hung out. what a trooper.
and lily collected rocks by the side of the road. hey, look at that, collecting rocks in mismatched stripes!! side note for taryn: that was not staged. it's meant to be, simple as that.
leigh coming in from the ride.
and a stellar jeanne. of course. sorry dave, no pictures of the swim since we're cheap and didn't want to pay the $3 to get in. seriously, who charges spectators at a tri?
then the rain started to trickle. good thing we had an empty trunk. it's not often we come across that!
down at the beach, little beckett who i just love.
look ma, no hands! don't mind the lean against her dad!
there's that smile again. but she loved her tour on the kayak.
and thought she'd practice rowing too.
thanks for the fun times!


Taryn and the boys said...

lily i alway knew you were my girl!!

Bronwen said...

I love the pic of you girls in the trunk. Hope you're having fun at the reunion... wish I was there! :(