Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Dentist, etc.

I finally took Lily to the dentist. She's a little overdue, but I was pretty sure she had a pretty healthy mouth. No cavities! She was sooo brave! However, the dentist did comment that her baby teeth are so tight (no surprise there!) that we should probably start saving for braces now! Yikes!
Sweet little munchkin.
Buz and I got to go to a gala for his work, it was fun to dress up (and go shopping in Hailey's closet!) and have a fancy night out!


Tabitha said...

You guys are looking good!!! Love the outfit!

Todd and Jenn said...

Love your dressed up look! So cute!

MaryAnne and Thayne said...

You look beautiful! Hope you four are doing well.

Genevieve said...

you look beautiful! sweet picture of zoey!

Tabitha said...

I am not appreciating your lack of updating;)