Monday, April 5, 2010

hippity hoppity

so far the internet man has forgotten to come and take away my ultimate time waster! so you get to have a look at our low key easter celebrations.
lily has a special talent of producing amazing morning hair!
it took a few minutes to discover her easter basket, and once she found it she focused on the three jelly beans that ended up on top of the toys!
oh look, there's something else in here...
ooo, i love these glasses! don't they just fit perfectly?!
thank you costco for these delicious cinnamon rolls that i just had to throw in the oven. made my morning sooo stress free.
dying the eggs. we did it a little late, i think most people dye them the day before easter, but we waited so daddy could help out too.
mixing the eggs, cause i guess that helps the dye set!
i just love the pure excitement on her face. so proud of her work.
taa daa!
then daddy tried to share one of the hard boiled eggs with lily. she's always up to try anything food wise, but i think the look on her face is priceless. she had a huge bite in her mouth, and didn't know what to do. swallowing would be disgusting, but if she spit it out she'd taste it coming out!
then for a little gc. she took a quick break from playing to lead the congregation in a hymn.
happy easter everyone!


Nordhoff Family said...

She is so adorable and I can see she is playing with the gift we got her! Awesome!

Merz said...

PLEASE dont tell me your 2 year old is potty trained? I must be slacking.. She is so adorable I can't even stand it! Good luck with the next one it sounds like it is coming soon.

Katie Corbridge said...

Lilly needs a modeling agent, she's so stinkin' cute! It helps her Mom is so cute and so great with a camera too, I'm sure! These pictures are priceless!

Todd and Jenn said...

So cute! I think you should keep the internet and I really am coming over one of these days.

Anonymous said...

She is ADORABLE! Love the Egg dyeing in underwear! LoL

Bronwen said...

I hope that her talent for good morning hair lasts into her adult life - what a lucky lil duck! :)

Chelsea said...

Gretel was really into leading the music, too! The hymn would start, and she was ready! Lily has the cutest face, and really pretty eyes. I really loved all the pictures-especially the one with her coloring the eggs...clothes off, but still wearing her little socks!